I've had more time to recently reflect on all that I've done in my life so far. In most instances, I haven't taken the time to do that mainly because I've been so focused on the next thing. That's been my mentality for years now. Celebrate for a few minutes and then move onto the next thing. It hasn't been the healthiest thing in the world.
On Monday, I had a tv interview with our local station here in my area on a dream that I made come true, thanks to the many partners and supporters along the way. This was a dream I had talked about since I was a child. It almost didn't happen due to a pandemic. But with hard work and dedication, it did. Everything we talked about was a reminder of the journey to get to that point and beyond. The journey full of ups and downs. Moments of excitement and pain. All the above. It was a reminder that was much needed, especially after a crazy time in life. It is the best full circle moment I've had in a long time.
For years, I always wanted to do more, hence, adding to my plate. I felt I could and in many cases, needed to. I've learned that when you add too much to a plate, you begin to have a hard time keeping everything on the plate....sometimes dropping an item off completely crashing to the ground. Same goes with people. The more you add to the plate, the harder it is to juggle it all. Judgement becomes flawed. Decisions are made that may not be the best. Processes may take twice the amount of time to complete because your mind is going in a million directions. And in some cases, limits are pushed more than they should be. Sure, you may enjoy what you do, and have the drive to do it. But if it takes away the time you need for you, then it's not doing anyone any good.
I'm proud of what I've done, and it has been moving for me to look back at it all to this point. It's given me so much.....more than what I ever could have imagined. It's overwhelming to think about at times. What you may not realize is that i've made several mistakes along the way. Some more impactful than others. I've had to own that and learn from it. Those moments have and continue to make me better for the long run.
If I have any advice for someone going through the same thing, run towards the problem and encounter it head on. Don't try to cover it up. Find a way to embrace the community around you, the village that holds you together. And most importantly, embrace you. It is easier said than done. Sure, it may be hard to talk about something or deal with something that is painful and/or uncomfortable. But it sure beats you holding it together too long to the point where you stumble off your feet.
We have to be there for each other, even if it's hard to move past something. Many of us are working through something of our own. Some are more significant than others, and some require more patience and support. Be there for them if you can. Reach out and offer that. Even if you can't physically be there...do so virtually...even a text or call makes a difference.
We all live in a community and village of our own. We all are going through something of our own. We are all growing our own selves. We are all flawed in our own ways. It's what creates our journey and story. The journey that is unique to each one of us individually, or collectively in shared experiences. And if we keep that all in mind, everything with time, will come in full circle.
